Wednesday, December 8, 2010

PBKblog Interview with Carnegie Caulfields cycling Club President

You beauty! It’s Sunday and it’s doing what the day claims it should be doing, and at last. The sun is well and truly out. With that it’s up i and early and a spin down the road to the local sunday race, the one thats organized by local club carnegie cauilfild.

I’m not going to use this blog entry to tell you what happened in the race, at the end of the day a crits a crit, well it is until I manage to get up there and get a result. Then I’ll be telling you all about the ins and outs of the race, blowing my ow trumpet i think is what they call it.

But until that happens i’ve decided to focus on other aspects of the racing and cycling.

It’s not all about the guys who race, cycling in general is booming. And here in the Melbourne area you can see that boom. It’s almost sonic!

Head down beach road over the weekend and expect to be swamped by cyclist. All shapes all sizes, from the racing whippets to the guys who base themselves on the over indulgent ex-pro (aka Eddy mercx from about 2002). Aparantly statistics say that 15,000 people head down that road over the weekend. I still can’t get my head around that figure after i was told it.

Men women and kids all out ripping it up.

Melbourne has a huge cycling scene with out a doubt, with that you have a good lot of well run and well organized clubs to help the sport along. Developing the sport, organizing events, racing and group rides. There to help the newbies, and generally keeping the sport on track from the ground up.

Without these clubs the scene would be a hell of a lot poorer. You have a team of dedicated cycling loving folk who run these clubs, putting huge amounts of there own free time and effort in to keep the club alive.

These people get up at silly “o'clock to get everything in place so us guys can turn up sign and race. A lot of us may not give a second thought to the running of these event’s, taking them for granted. After all that race we head to every sunday may have been running for years.

The sport needs these people and a lot of the time they don't get the recognition they deserve. So I’m going to focus a bit on these people in upcoming videos and blogs.

First up is a guy with one hell of a mustache. President of Melbourne and Australia's biggest club. Malg gasg of the carnegie caulfield cycling club. Or the CCCC as it says on the jersey.

This guys got his work cut out for sure, with hundreds of cyclist in the club the order for team kit must take weeks alone.

I caught up with him after sundays criterium at Springvale. To talk about the club.

Mal’s the guy who’s the main man at CCCC, he has many jobs with in the club. He runs the website, is the go to guy, the one that tells us all at the start of our race the info we need to know, the guy who keeps law and order at the races and the guy that help find me a place to stay while here in Melbourne. Yes people you australians came through at last and I’m now in a nice little place of my own away from drunken backpackers.

All in all Mal's juggling a few things to keep the club up and running, there’ll be more like him in the club. You need them all to run a club the shear size of CCCC but as he has the title president title I decided he’d be my first victim in this seres of people who keep the sport afloat.

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